Colin Dinn
Colin has worked across financial services, consulting and vendor management in Asia and Europe. His role in VCB has been to address the technology, designing and building for the future, growing digital and data, while ensuring the resilience and growth within core technology and delivery. This has been coupled with the wider accountability of designing the next stage of transformation for the bank, across business and technology positioning the bank to exploit new business models alongside the traditional banking capability.
Prior to this Colin has worked across several transformations in different Asian markets with a mandate to revamp the technology and operations capability, while driving through a transformation agenda. These included roles within a major consultancy as well as in the ‘C’ Suite, leveraging technology to exploit the new market capability. In the role of CTO and Head of Operations for Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). Colin created new technology capability to provide advanced digital and data services, coupled with an increase in stability of the core technology capability. This journey entailed a leapfrog in technology architecture using core components such as Data and Orchestration API building out the decoupling layer and deployment of micro services to increase speed and agility into the delivery. Incorporated in the migration is the move from traditional to agile delivery with customer centric design thinking, ‘tagging’ this as assembly architecture in reducing time and cost to market. The journey into Cloud Computing progressed to provide scalability and more adaptable solutions for improved business agility. Additionally, disruptive technologies were exploited such as block chain to provide the first live international remittance in Asia, second worldwide.
Previously Colin was Group Executive for ANZ assigned with overall delivery responsibility for build of a new wholly owned ANZ subsidiary bank ANZ Thai in 9 months, this encompassed all aspects of the business and technical design, property, recruitment training with the final step being regulatory approval. Other roles in ANZ included strategic planning & solution delivery, design and build of a regional based retail and corporate banking model. Colin has worked in Asia for 29 years, with various roles; Managing Director with Fidelity Information Systems and Head of IT Strategy with Standard Chartered. Colin’s early career in banking was in HSBC (Midland Bank) in the UK covering technical and business roles.