Dr. Nashwa Joy Saleh
Dr. Nashwa Joy Saleh, CFA. Nashwa has more than 25 years experience across global EM with a special focus on EMEA. She is a Chartered Director (CDir) by the UK IoD. She has held various senior equity, debt and capital markets roles with a number of international organizations and regulatory bodies. Her track record spanned mandates with USAID, EBRD, AfDB, Central Bank of Egypt, S&P Global and KPMG Corporate Finance.
She holds a PhD in Finance from Cass Business School on Early Warning Signals for Financial Crises, is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA) an MSc in Finance from London Business School and an undergraduate degree from the American University in Cairo and is author of An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis: Blowing Tumbleweed, 2010. Anthem Press Publishing.