Qin En Looi

Partner, Saison Capital, Singapore

Qin En Looi is a Partner at Saison Capital where he actively leads pre-seed and seed investments in startups across fintech, B2B commerce and web3. He is advisor to Southeast Asia-based web3 startups including Avium, Avarik Saga, Helix, D3 Labs, Magically and Mythic Protocol, and also co-founded a web3 growth blog and Asia’s first real-world asset conference. He is also a board director / observer for fintech companies across Southeast Asia including Helicap, Lista and SkorLife.

Qin En was previously the Co-Founder and COO at Glints, the leading talent ecosystem in Southeast Asia (Series D). During his tenure, he was recognised by Forbes 30 Under 30 and Entrepreneurs 27 Under 27 for being one of the youngest founders to have raised venture capital in Southeast Asia.

In his personal time, Qin En is also the creator and host of Parents in Tech, a podcast for parents in Southeast Asia that has topped charts in Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines in the Parenting and Kids & Family Categories.